leopard yalasafari


What people say about us?
Lischen M
Lischen M
Wir haben über Janaka gebucht, da sie eine der wenigen sind, die früher in den Park dürfen und somit die Chancen einen Leoparden zu sehen erhöhen. Der Fahrer unserer Safari war Nalaka. Er war echt super ich würde sagen, bis auf den Lippenbär, dieser wirklich selten zusehen ist, haben wir fast jede Tierart gesehen, auch einen Leoparden. Das ist natürlich auch vom Zufall abhängig, aber es war trotzdem ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Die Elefanten kamen sogar sehr nah an unser Fahrzeug. Ich kann die Tour einfach nur empfehlen.
Super Safari! Sehr zu empfehlen der Fahrer Ishan. Fährt super locker und hat überall Augen und Ohren. Lacht sehr gerne 😀
My grandmother and I recently went on a safari at Yala National park with Eshan as our safari driver. He was very good at spotting wildlife and was able to find all of the animals I asked him to look out for. We even saw four leopards in one day. The safari Jeep was very comfortable. We had a great time and would love to visit again.
carl l
carl l
Picked up from hotel, 5 hours later , great tour, excellent driver. Many buffalos, half dozen elephants.however missed out on the leopard. Highly advise to do.
Jenny B
Jenny B
Our trip to Yala was organised for us and we went out with Leopard Safaris. Our driver had a very keen eye and spotted animals we just wouldn’t have seen without him! He spotted 2 leopards, sadly for us the second was slinking off into the undergrowth, but even now, 7years into his job he was getting as excited as us at seeing them! And I loved that. There are a lot of jeeps in the park, all vying for the best view for the animals for their guests and often they seemed to crowd the animal, so I was very grateful when I asked him to hang back and he did. He could have argued that he knew better, but he didn’t and we were rewarded because the elephants crossed the road right in front of us and we were the only Jeep there to see it. Would absolutely recommend Leopard Safaris for a trip around Yala.
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